Friday, June 8, 2012

I've come this far

Hello again! I'm back from a three-day hiatus from my build while on a conference out of town. But I'm back, and I've been busy. I've now gone through the rough positioning of all the rods relative to each other and made sure the frame is now stable and symmetrical. It turns out my eye-measurements are kinda slack, so that was quite a bit of fiddling.

Once that was done I put on the final, bottom threaded-rod that positions the clamps the z-vector smooth-rods will rest in and centred those.

Now I'm at the point where I can start attaching the smooth rods and mounting the bottom plate. Problem is - I've yet to decide on a plate. I'm thinking I may go for MDF for now and take the extra work later on if I want to use a hot-plate. As far as I understand that will cause lower-quality prints due to shrinking while printing. I'm really unsure about what to do here, so I'll apply my favourite heuristic when unsure - I'll sleep on it :)

Here are some pictures of the state it's in so far:

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